Poniard Press

The Becket Chronicles: Finding Time (Book One)

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Some people take their history very seriously. A successful nineteenth-century businessman, Alexander Becket, was wealthy, eccentric, and determined to live in the style of medieval kings.

His community of dedicated followers evolved into an exclusive little country. Named for its founder, Becket grew in size and prospered, but never much beyond the year of 1450. Almost 170 years later, the country was paradoxically thriving, yet remained essentially unchanged.

Charles Hepburn set out into a forest one day to do some solitary hunting. When he lost his way, he fully expected to be found immediately. After three days, hopelessly lost and resigned to his fate, he stumbled inadvertently into Becket.What follows is the story of his opportunity to stay. The people he meets and the friends he makes along the way are what ultimately determine whether he'll settle in Becket, after his ideals are challenged by war, deception and violence.

Trade Paperback 476 pages.

All proceeds from this sale go directly to the Author: Jason A. Grunewald