Poniard Press

The Becket Chronicles: Wolfe Trap (Book Two)

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You have to be careful what you wish for... When Charles Hepburn was offered the opportunity to stay in the little medieval country of Becket, he had no idea that within the next twelvemonth he would wield a sword, fall in love, go to war, lose his best friend, and narrowly escape death on more than one occasion. Now, just when he thought things would settle down, the scion of the King's nemesis proves how fathers live on in their sons.

"The idea of Becket is wonderful and the writing is accomplished and vivid. I wish there really were a Becket ..." --Cecelia Holland, author of "Varanger" & "The Serpent Dreamer"

"Hard to describe, impossible to put down and delightfully unique ..."--Rachel A. Hyde, review for Myshelf.com

"[Grunewald's] story lines hold each other in constant jeopardy but with total integration."--Odin Westgaard, Ed., Americana Publishing, Inc.

"... an entertaining medieval fantasy."--Renaissance Magazine

Trade Paperback 476 pages.

All proceeds go directly to the Author: Jason A. Grunewald